Partial to Pearls

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The October Surprise! or 3 Expenses You May Not Know About

You know that moment when you have your coffee in your hand, and it is perfect!!  Hot, steaming, just the way you like it.  You are about to take that first sip and the doorbell rings.  You get up to go answer, return and you are about to take that slightly cooler yet still wonderful sip and your phone rings.  UGH!! You finish the call, pick up your now cold coffee, and on your way to the kitchen to warm the cup, your dog needs attention.  That is just like what I like to call the October surprise!!  No not THAT October surprise, the one before an election, the other October surprise.  The one you may have not heard of before that’s tied to your college kid.  

This is the one where you feel like you have just gotten them, and your household settled, and suddenly there are fire drills.   There are a handful of surprises during the first semester of college (usually in October) for which you will need to be mentally, emotionally, and financially prepared.  In my experience, no one ever discusses this during orientation or at any of the events leading up to arriving at school.  It just rears its ugliness up and slaps you in the face as if you knew about it already.  Consider yourself warned…

First up, the business part of school-related issues. 

If you have chosen to spread tuition payments out over the first few months of the semester, get it paid off before October 1st if possible.  Why?  October is advisory time for the spring semester.  While you do not have to pay for the next semester until later, your student often must be in “good standing” before they can begin the process.  If there are any outstanding charges besides tuition, your student may not even be able to schedule their advisory discussion much less sign up for their classes.  So, find a way to pay the bill off if you have not already and make a note to yourself that this happens EVERY SEMESTER they are in school.  Your student becomes aware around the second week of October and if it is not paid already, calls in a panic.  NOTE:  Check online to see when they go into the advisory period for the spring semester and you will know the spring/summer school time tables as well. 

Next, initiation fees; again, just open the checkbook. 

If your student went through sorority or fraternity recruitment and pledged an organization before or during the first weeks of the semester, initiation is coming up around mid-month. This is usually 8-9 weeks from when they joined. You may have already begun paying dues, house fees, dining fees, etc. What you may not realize though is that you have to finish paying for dues for the semester including initiation fees.  Oh, I miss the days when they could not be initiated until February!!  The good news is this is usually the most expensive semester.  Don’t forget to send them a congratulatory gift too!

Third and this is the one that makes me grit my teeth because it is RIDICULOUSLY EARLY. 

Do not be surprised when your son or daughter informs you that It is time to choose roommates and where they are going to live for the next year; not next semester, next YEAR as in seven to eight months after New Year’s.  They moved in a few short weeks ago and barely know the people on their floor in the dorm.  Now it is time to discuss the next year?  On top of it, the students are lathered into a frenzy because they do not want to miss out on the coolest, newest off-campus apartment or the best view from their floor in the dorm or house.  Are your eyes rolling up yet? Take a deep breath. This is survivable.

That’s it!!  Surprise!!  Hopefully, I have brought you a bit of insight as you continue to develop your college budget. The surprises that pop up in October can be a lot to process and pay for.  But knowledge gives you the power to prepare for how you pay for Fall Tuition, Greek bills, as well as upcoming living expenses.  And it is always better to be prepared in my opinion. 

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