
Hello and welcome to Partial to Pearls!  Grab a cup of coffee (my AM go to!) or a glass of something you love, bubbles always work for me! 

I’m Susan, a wife of thirty years and mother of two young women.  Most days you can find me searching for or sharing “pearls of wisdom” or inspiration, playing with our golden doodle Lilly, traveling to my favorite hang outs, exploring in the kitchen or absorbed with my family and dear friends.  Just so you know, I have fun finding pearls everywhere!  Foodie, collector, devoted alum, as well as a travel, design and gardening enthusiast are a few ways to describe me too. 


In the past I taught etiquette and social skills to middle and high school students and frequently was referred to as “The Cotillion Lady”. As an etiquette instructor, I have worked with over 2,000 students to help them feel more at ease with challenging social situations. I also had a lengthy career as an employment specialist helping women find the best opportunities available in the Houston employment market. Don’t be surprised if many of these life skills discussions creep into my pages….

Cheers! Let’s have some fun!!



This blog began because I discovered that there was a lot I was not prepared for as my children entered their adulthood. Then I realized that my friends were having the same experiences!! The bottom line is, “Leaving the Nest” is an adjustment for us AND them that takes time!  Like every other stage of growing up, there is more than one way to successfully navigate this change.  My goal is to help you and your young adults prepare; smoothing the transitions through high school, college and beyond and as always having some fun along the way.