8 Essential Health and Safety Tools For College Kids
As young adults left for college for the first time or even if they are returning, there always seems to be lists upon lists of things they need. When our girls left, they figured out quickly that everything they had available to them in our home medicine cabinets and bathroom closets was with them… somewhere in the chaos. They just had to search a bit.
Today I am sharing with you eight tools for your college kids. These items can prove to be vital to the health and safety of young adults when they are away from home. I have included links to most to help you find them.
For the dorm, backpack or car.
Sometimes the power goes off in the dorm or their phone is not working and…
Flashlights are needed, making them essential items. Even if the power is on there may be a need to come down ten flights of stairs in a dark or dimly lit stairwell because someone burned popcorn in their microwave and the fire department is on the way. It may not happen exactly that way, but it happens. These little darlings are also great to have in a glove box or car console in case someone is stuck on the side of the road. IF you can find one there are also a few hand crank and solar-charged available too; grab them because then there is no worry about batteries!!
First Aid Kit
Put together your own or supplement one that is purchased online or in store.
First aid kits can be easily assembled and accessed.
This one by Johnson & Johnson on Amazon is a good size and reasonable price with good quality branded products inside. The only things I would add would be a thermometer, scissors, and tweezers. Include any go to items your family likes such as allergy meds or pain relievers.
Anything that needs more than some Neosporin and a band aid or Motrin probably should be looked at by the student health center or the local urgent care center.
Blue Light Glasses
College students spend a great amount of time looking at devices that emit blue light.
Protect their eyes with blue light filtering glasses.
I have purchased these TIJN blue light blocking glasses for my daughter. They are great for when the wearer is wearing their contacts or if they don’t have eye correction. If they wear glasses with any kind of regularity, contact your provider and ask for corrective lenses that screen out blue light.
Car going to college too?
There is every possibility that they could be out on the road and need this life-saving tool!
The Resqme (pronounced rescue me) tool can break glass, cut seat belt straps and some have flashlights on them. You can buy them small enough to be attached to a key chain OR you can secure them somewhere in the car that they are accessible if the car is upside down.
Needing this tool is one of those awful things that no one wants to think about much less put out in the universe that their child might need it. But the bottom line is, it could literally save their life. If you buy them one, show them how it works so that they will know how to use it in an emergency and where it is. Seconds may count.
Strengthen immune systems
Find a multi-vitamin or series of individual supplements that your college kid will take.
Everyone has their favorites and must make their own choices. I am not a medical professional; I do play one in my own household but that is it! Some will tell you that one brand is better than another and I am sure they are. It does not matter how good they are if your college kid does not take them. Please do your own research and make decisions that work for your family.
I have found that vitamins are one of those tools that will build immune systems. It may not prevent an illness, but the illness could be less severe, easier to recover from, and less taxing on their systems.
My suggestion is, find something that meets your requirements, that your young adult will commit to and buy them.
The last thing you want is for them to get to exams and be too sick to study.
Antiviral Equipment
I know you have all outfitted your kids with masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and whatever else you thought they were going to need to protect themselves as much as possible from viruses. I have two things to contribute that we are using and one that I have not purchased yet but am ordering.
Clear Face Shields
Comfortable and easy to assemble…
These shields are helpful not just for college students but for all family members.
I have purchased clear face shields for the family. These are the ones I bought. They are comfortable and easy to assemble. We have one family member who must be out and about for work and needs it to call on clients, one who is student teaching, one middle school teacher, and one high school student.
Safe Household Cleaners and Soaps
Thieves Lifestyle Products
I love and use daily a variety of Young Living brand of products. In particular, the Thieves line is part of our daily routines.
I have sent many of these products to our current college kid. We use the spray in the cars, cleaner in the house, hand soap by our sinks, and their hand sanitizers (this is not all we buy from them but it is what is relevant here). I like them because these products work and are not laced with known carcinogens or chemicals that harm our bodies. Side note, I have also begun taking their vitamins and really like them.
For those of you who are unfamiliar, Young Living is a lifestyle line of essential oils and a huge number of products that dovetail around those oils for the family. If you want to learn more about them, let me know and I will happily direct you to someone to contact.
UVC-Light Sanitizer
Cleans all types of surfaces…
without using water or exposure to dangerous chemicals.
Last but definitely not least is a UVC Sanitizer – DO YOUR RESEARCH PLEASE!!! According to the FDA website, “UVC radiation has effectively been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria, such as tuberculosis. For this reason, UVC lamps are often called "germicidal" lamps.”
There are a variety of UVC light sanitizers available on the market. I have not tried one myself but will be buying one for travel when we decide to fly again. They have been most commonly used in air filtration systems to sanitize air moving through the duct work. There are some concerns to consider when purchasing these tools.
There are portable wand varieties available if you can find them in stock. This one had a good rating and was not a ridiculous price. Not only can it work on electronic devices like phones, Ipads, and laptops. They are also effective on doorknobs, bathroom surfaces, common areas, library tables, etc. UVC sanitizers that act as recharging stations for electronic devices are available as well. Note that they require a shelf or a counter to do their job and that may be valuable real estate in a dorm setting.
So, there you have it!! My essential eight - health and safety resources for young adults who are off at college
Flashlights, first aid kits, blue light glasses, Resqme rescue tool, vitamins, Thieves products, clear facial masks, and UVC Lights. When used properly, these tools can help keep them healthy and in one piece while they are away from home.
Want more college kid tips and recommendations? Or is there something else you want to know more about? Do me a favor please and tell me down below.
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