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Easy Oven Roasted Broccoli with Garlic, Balsamic Glaze and Parmesan

Easy Oven Roasted Broccoli with Garlic, Balsamic Glaze and Parmesan

I KNOW I am not alone in this next statement. Growing up, vegetables and I were not friends.  You would never know it to look at my plate now. But as a kid, broccoli was not a favorite of mine.  As a matter of fact, it was one of those vegetables we had to eat to get dessert.  Scratch that, I had to eat to get dessert.  My sister did not want dessert and did what was asked of her always.  I, on the other hand, negotiated.

Often broccoli was mushy and smelly, dripping in lemon and butter, slathered in cheese sauce, or swimming in cream of mushroom soup to get me to eat it without complaint.  My poor mother!!  Fast forward to a time when the whole family appreciates a healthier way of eating in general.  But, we ALWAYS want lots of flavors, and I give you roasted and glazed broccoli with garlic and parmesan. 

Today I am sharing my go-to recipe for roasted broccoli that is a part of our meals at least two nights a week.  Actually, I have been known to make really large batches on purpose so leftovers may be easily added to rice, salads, or noodle bowls.  This recipe will make broccoli lovers out of even the pickiest eater.  Not only is this beauty flavor-filled it is easy!!  All key factors for repeat performances in our house!!


Ingredients and Tools

Glazed Oven Roasted Broccoli Ingredients List-web.png

Fresh Broccoli - I totally cheat and buy 12 oz bags of florets out of the produce section.  One 12 oz. bag is great for two of us as an entrée or side serving with leftovers.  If I have more than 3 to serve or am hoping for leftovers, then I will prep and roast at least two bags.  I have never used frozen.  I do not think it would work well.

Olive Oil

Garlic powder

Garlic cloves


Balsamic Glaze




Cooking Spray

Sheet pan

Cutting board

Sharp knife

Mixing bowl

Small bowl


·         Set your oven to bake at 350F

·         Prepare your sheet pan by spraying lightly with cooking spray or olive oil on a paper towel to give it a thin coat

·         Peel 10 or more garlic cloves.  I cheat here too and buy pre-peeled garlic but to each their own.  Roughly chop and move the chopped garlic to a small bowl and cover with olive oil.  (less than ¼ cup)

·         Pour broccoli florets onto your cutting board and slice any larger pieces so that all the pieces are somewhat uniform in size

·         Dump the broccoli into the mixing bowl and drizzle lightly with olive oil.  Season with garlic powder, salt, pepper and paprika.  Mix the seasoned broccoli well so that it is coated with all the seasonings and olive oil.  Add any seasoning if needed.

·         Pour the prepared broccoli from the bowl to the sheet pan, spread it out so there is only one layer and place in the oven for 10 minutes. 

·         At 10 minutes distribute the garlic and olive oil across the broccoli as evenly as possible, and return the pan to the oven, spreading it back out to a single layer if needed.

·         After 10 more minutes, check the broccoli to see if it is beginning to brown on the edges.  If it is not, return the tray to the oven and keep checking for five-minute intervals until edges are golden.

·         Once the broccoli is beginning to brown on the edges, remove the sheet pan from the oven, drizzle balsamic glaze and parmesan to your preference and serve.   Sometimes I will turn the oven off and pop the tray back in the oven to keep it warm if I am finishing other parts of the meal.


That’s it!!  Savory and a hint of sweet.  The tastiest, easiest roasted broccoli that everyone will enjoy!!   I hope you enjoyed today’s recipe.  And as always, please let me know what you think.

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